We spent one Saturday this month driving around looking for different road signs to take pictures of (Mommy took most of them in Niantic and Old Lyme). She made me a scrapbook with all of them in it.
Mommy and Daddy decided to trade the pick up truck in for a more "economical" vehicle because they spend a lot of money on gas because of the way Daddy drives (heehee). They bought an 03 Passat WAGON (Mommy swore she would never have a wagon or a van...), but it is really cool- I like the moon roof the best.
Grammy got to spend a week in California with Aunt Elly. Nana watched me just about all week. I had a good time...I think I tired her out though!
We helped Mommy's friend Jacqui move...I ran and ran and ran.
The other night, Daddy did a big stinky (fart) and I told him "You should go to the bathroom!".