- The children learned about nocturnal animals
- In art they cut our raccoon masks and decorated an owl with different types of feathers
- In dramatic play (set up as a forest schoolhouse), they used the rabbit ears and insects they created
- They "wrote" on chalk boards, and created "words" with magnetic letters
- At the water table, they washed food like the raccoons do
- They created their own story in circle time about pumpkins, a witch, and a princess
- At the science and water tables they learned the concept of warm and cold (they also charted which basin was warm or cold)
- On the playground, they practiced different walks
Sep 30, 2006
September School Happenings
Here is a glimpse of some of the things Jakob has done in school this past month:
Family Fun Day
Today was family fun day at school. We were there about 1 hour...and was worth the $4 for Jakob. (I will comment no further, only that I hope the PTO uses the money for a good cause...).

Jakob enjoyed the moon bounce and doing a few crafts.

Later in the day we headed to Toys-R-Us to help celebrate Geoffrey's birthday (they had good sales and crafts for the kids). Jakob wanted to meet the guest of honor so bad, he came out before he was supposed to...only for Jakob to brush him off and be mean because he was scared of him (the costume was like 8 feet tall). Nothing Thomas Trains and the new Curious George movie couldn't cure!
Spending down time with Dad- he is off to Indianna for the week for work.....

Sep 26, 2006
Sep 24, 2006
Sep 23, 2006
Sep 12, 2006
Jakob and his pal Blacky
Jakob continues to enjoy school and gets good reports from the teacher. Yesterday, he had the opportunity of bring home "Blacky". Here is the story behind our fury freind as told to Nana:
Each day a child is picked to take home and share one of two classroom pets (they come in their own bag, a tooth brush, paper, crayons/markers, and a jornal), where they do things with the family and it is entered into a journal. Blacky, had his teeth brushed, went to Walmart, colored, ate dinner, and had a book read to him today (I am tired!). Blacky, is also a relative of Chester- a racoon-, the main character in the book the teacher is reading to the class called "The Kissing Hand". Chester leaves clues in the book and around the class and the children are sent on a "hunt".
We are told that he is bothered come snack time, because almost all of the children have milk (you pay the school .30/day for milk of your choice) and we pack "aqua pods (water)" and a juice box for a drink. Guess I will be sending along "milk money".
One other thing has also come up: When the class is doing an activity that Jakob's understands and is doing and they don't necessarily "get", requiring the teachers help, he gets frustrated with the kids.
Sep 5, 2006

I waited with the other parents when it was time to pick up Jakob, a couple of them peeping in the windows to see what was going on. Jakob’s class was dismissed last. As the children/parents are lined up to leave, Miss Corso sings to them “Good bye…Jakob….see you soon” and she tells the parent how the child did during the day.

Overall, he had a great day- painting, socializing, playing outside.

Sep 2, 2006
The First Day That Wasn't
Yeah, so Jakob's first day wasn't yesterday....I know what I read though- so now we know what we need to do Tuesday!
Left work, fed Jake his lunch and got a little routine going for school. Got there and there were no cars in the designated parking; walked up to the school and into his class...the preschool team was having a session, but his teacher welcomed him in and let him play for a few minutes. Did I feel like a tard. He was so excited to go, he wanted to leave the house at noon! (He woke up this morning and said that was where he wanted to go (he asked what we are doing/going every morning when he wakes up)).
With the program, they are required to bring certain snacks..so he is learning about "healpy (healthy) foods/drinks". He yelled at Todd when he went to drink a soda at dinner last night and said "YOU CAN'T DRINK THAT, IT'S NOT HEALPY FOR YOU!!".
Here are some of the 50 or so pictures I took yesterday:
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