Here is a peak at some of the things Jakob learned about in school this month:
- The class learned about themselves by making a collage about the things they like, finger painted the first letter of their names, and decorated a birthday cake. They learned their names by hunting around the classroom for their own as well as trying to find hidden names in the sand table. They talked about and graphed their birthdays and clapped how old they are- Jakob was one of the kids who knew when their full birthday was.
- When they arrive to school and get settled, they go to the class library area, locate their "magnetic" name and place it on the board under the first letter of their name
- They have been talking about their family members and have looked at some of the family quilt pieces that have been made. They have also talked about homes and the different types of houses around the world.
- In art, the kids made a home out of a shoe box and decorated the inside to resemble with their family inside.

- The 3 sticks are us...Todd is the only one with "clothes" on
- In dramatic play, they celebrated birthdays- they wrapped presents, baked a cake, and sang "Happy Birthday!"
- At the water table, they fished for letters and numbers; discovered the properties of "goop"; and also learned about sink and float
- For "Science" they learned that there are lungs inside of their bodies and what their function is
- At the science center, the children mixed food coloring and white frosting to experiment with colors
- They learned about Autumn, and even went on a "trip" to the schools nature trail- they observed the leaves changing and found fungus, slugs, and acorns; they have also gone on walks to measure the circumference of different trees- they also clapped how many inches big the tree was
- They also learned more about the seasonal changes (FYI- they do do celebrate holidays)
- At the sand table they planted pretend bulbs and "grew" flowers