Feb 18, 2007

A Ride in the Chair

What a week! They cancelled school on Wednesday due to the "storm", so Jake was a bit upset as it was Valentine's day (he had his Valentine cards all set to go and he had a red and white striped shirt all picked out to wear).

I came home early from work on Thursday and got a call that Jake broke out in hives and I needed to pick him up from school (he has been breaking out on and off since- break out the Benedryl). He was so upset...he kept saying I don't want to go home, I don't like my home..." (I asked why he kept saying that and it was because he was afraid of his bed....anyway). He at least was there long enough to exchange his Valentine's.

Yesterday was his first trip to the dentist. He was so good...no trouble at all (I thought for sure he wouldn't even make it to the chair!). He met "Dr." Sue, the Hygienist. She and I both thought that she would only be able to have him sit in the chair and have his teeth counted. Things went so well, she was able to clean his teeth! He loved the water cup/fountain! He picked out orange flavored tooth paste...let her floss even! He had a chance to brush "Charley's" teeth (I rem this thing from when I was little). Then Dr. L came in to look his teeth over- he said that they were in great shape and that the spaces between them were great! For being so good, he picked out 2 stickers and a car from the treasure chest....he also got a crayola toothbrush and floss. Next appt. in August.

So this morning for breakfast, Jake tried: a pancake with SYRUP, sausage, AND corned beef hash! Could not believe it! He ate it all. Todd is so happy because he loves hash and thinks that Jake should automatically love it.

He is still being a handful...not listening!!!!!

Feb 7, 2007

Out of the Mouth of J

Jake's cough is still around, so we saw Dr. H today (Dr. C is in Ireland!)- he has an ear infection (I think he will be taking after me)- he never said a word. We are doing better as far as dinner/bed time goes. (He was a little fresh today and threw a piece of chicken at my Mom!).

Jake's funny phrases for this week:

  • "Mom, I don't have to pee, my winkie is dry!
  • As I was nursing Big K: "Mom, I am so happy to see you using your booby again!"

Feb 4, 2007

Was going so good

All week Jake hasn't given me any trouble about going to bed. Last night, Todd put him to bed and he was up and down up and down..."I don't want to go to bed"..."I want to take a nap downstairs"...yadda yadda yadda. I think he finally settled down around 11 p.m. or so- he went to bed at 9:30 p.m. This week he will be going at 9:30 p.m. and the following week will be 9 p.m.- he was used to going to bed around 10 p.m. No more.

Right now is is at the dinner table crying because he doesn't want what I made for lunch (Fiesta Cabbage...which he has had before) and he got down after I told him not...so, I took his Pixar Car collection away. He wants to "take a nap" (I told him if he goes "upstairs to nap alone, he will have to eat when he comes down).

Lovely last day off.