Jan 16, 2007

Behind the Scenes {Jake's First Field Trip}

Today we went on a field trip (first one!) with Jake's class. We were able to see what it is like "behind the scenes" in a grocery store (Big Y, Norwich). It was pretty neat- in about an hour and a half we visited the bakery, deli, produce section, seafood and meat counters, cooler and freezer, learned how to operate the register, and ate pizza!!

Here are some pictures:

Brandi decorating a cake

The ovens where rolls are baked (gloves on a rack means it is HOT!)

Where produce is delivered (we learned how to make green bananas turn yellow once they are delivered) and stored

Judy gave us cheese from the deli

Henry made us a party pizza for snack later on

We learned about some of the creatures sold in the seafood department- all of the kids were able to touch a lobster

Learning how to run a cash register- "Price check, isle 14"

"Mom, do you have any money?"

Kaleb hanging out

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