We gave the teacher hugs and wished her a "fun summer!". Couldn't help but have watery eyes (of course it doesn't take much with my hormones out of whack from having Kaleb!). She is such a great teacher and Jakob thinks the world of her.
She did tell me that Jake was the class spokesperson at an assembly type thing the school had for the principal and assistant principal (they are leaving this year). He walked low (he does that when he is unsure of something) up to the microphone and said "I love you Mr. S and Mr. C" and walked back. That would've been neat to see.
We headed to the playground to play with some of the kids from class. It was fun!
He was a little pooped from the day and was asleep by the time I got home from my eye appt.

I shot a video of Jake singing a song about making new friends..will upload after I redo it.
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