When we arrived at the firehouse, John S. had a surprise for Jakob in one of the fire trucks...a birthday present from him and Shawna...a Tonka fire truck!
As Missy and I set up for the party and Daddy was out getting pizza, Amy dropped off 4 birthday cakes (the main cake has a picture of Jakob and Kaleb on it)!

Friends and family arrived: the MacFarland's; Nana and Great Gram; Chris and his gang; Hannah and Fiona; Cheyenne and Colby; Grammy and Shawn; Steven and his Mom; the Mebane's; and Juan and his family.
After we ate pizza, we decorated candy bags for the fire truck pinata.

While some of the kids decorated bags, others were exploring Fire Engine #1. They were able to sit in the drivers seat, sit in the back and try on fire gear.

Pinata time! After many hits and a few holes, Daddy shook all of the candy out onto the floor and the kids all dove in!

Everyone enjoyed that yummy cake and some ice cream!

At the end of the party, John S. had another surprise for Jakob. He had him climb into another fire truck and he got to turn on the siren! They drove the truck back into the bay and then he was able to talk on the loud speaker (all we could make out was "over and out!).

(the black on his lips is from the stop light lollipop he had just eaten)
What a great birthday party! We asked Jake was his favorite part of the day was and he said "EVERYFING!".

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