Aug 31, 2006


Headed over to the school for orientation today. After wiping our hands (their is a child in the classroom the kids were going to play in that has a food allergy), signing Jakob in and getting him settled in the room to play, Todd and I headed over to the other calssroom. We discussed what he will need to bring everyday, snacks (no junk or sweets- birthday cakes/cupcakes to celebrate), preschool/school policy. It was good- we were there for about an hour.

Headed up to grab some lunch with Nana- I was able to take care of my craving for French Onion Soup and clam strips. After that we wenty over to get him a few more outfits and a backpack (he picked out CARS) at TJ MAXX. Next stop was Price Chopper.

School tomorrow...

Aug 30, 2006

Almost there...

Jakob had his physical/shots today to get ready for school on Friday. He did well....even with the shots- Tawnya surprised him with Thomas stickers. He weighs 37 lbs. and is 38 inches tall.

Aug 29, 2006

Aug 27, 2006

Uh, hello?!

This is Jakob's idea of putting his underwear on....

Aug 26, 2006

Party Time

Today we celebrated Jakob's 4th birthday party. He enjoyed running around with Maison, Keenan, Shawn, Joseph, and Lucas. The Mebane's, Aileen, Michele, Jorge (SURPRISE!), my parents, Nana, Candi, Great Gram, Kevin, Uncle David H., Aunt Nancy, and the MacFarland's too!

Jakob and Jorge

Todd grilled some yummy marinated chickem, burgers, and dogs; along with that we had some "green stuff" and my Mom's potato salad.

Jakob picked out his own cake

He got some really cool gifts, the two that stand out THE MOST as being his favorite is a duck from Aileen and the sign collage that Candi made for him; he was also excited with the batteries that Brian gave him to go with the Mustang.

After a long day and no nap, both Jakob and Daddy pass out

Aug 22, 2006

Meet and Greet: Part 2

For whatever reason, I could not add these two pictures to the "Meet and Greet" entry:

Jake picked out the outfit

Long day

Meet and Greet

Jakob enjoyed running around the playground at school before meeting his teacher Miss Corso.
Jakob went up to his teacher and said, "Hi Miss Corso!"..she said "You must be Jakob S., I have been waiting to meet you!". Once all of the children arrived, we broke off into groups by teacher; we were mixed in with the a.m. class. Jakob had a chance to meet some of the children he will be going to class with. The children gathered onto a blanket where they sang a few songs and were then sent on a treasure hunt to find 2 eggs; once they brought them back to the teacher, she called out each child's name (each egg had a child's name on it..of course, Jakob's was spelled with a "C"). They did a little activity with the ends and then they were told they could open it was a message (below) and a sticker. After the activities, we enjoyed drinks and watermelon (then I was off to work...).

Jakob seemed to be one of the most outgoing children out of the bunch, eager to help and answer the questions. Some of the kids sat quietly and didn't participate. Some were whiny. Some cried.

As we were leaving I over heard one of the mother's talking to the teacher about how her son was going to be going to see a psychiatrist for aggression/behavioral issues (I thought he seemed fine)...HE IS 4 YEARS OLD....

Aug 21, 2006

Just a Few Weeks Away

Jakob is excited to attend school, yet a little hesitant lately. He told me yesterday that he doesn't want to go because Baby Kaleb might cry and be sad when he is gone. I reassured him that he will have fun at school and meet new friends and that one day Baby Kaleb will have to go to school.

Tomorrow is our "Meet and Greet" session at GES. We will have an hour to meet Miss Corso and get to know a few of the children that will be in Jakob's class. I feel like I am the one going to school...I am all nervous!

We have a busy 2 weeks coming up for school (Meet and Greet, Orientation, and First Day of School)!

Jakob and his beads from the Woodstock Fair last year

Aug 10, 2006


Jakob's new word. He has said it a few times now, the last being yesterday...he yelled it at a boy on the slide at the play park.

(He moves his toes just like Todd does...dont' ask and I can't do it).

It is now clicking that boys and girls are "different". He has already learned that his "winkie" is a penis and the "peanuts" next to it are testicles. Last night as I was dressing he says, "Mom, there's something wrong with your penis." Then comes the discussion again about how girls have vaginas, ect. He then proceeds to say "Well, I have testicles!".

For the past few days he has been lifting his shirt, and sticking his belly out saying "I have a baby growing in my belly and it's name will be Jakob just like me!". It is cute. Then comes the discussion on how only Mommy's have babies...

Went back to Old Navy today to pick up some more of those "boat shoes" for him as he wants so bad th wear the leather ones we bought him for school. He picked out the hat....

This weekend we are possibly going to Chucky Cheese and then to the Children's Museum in Providence.....

Aug 6, 2006

Where are we going?

Is the question Jakob loves to ask whenever we start the car up and just want to drive. From today:

Jake: Mom, where we going?
Mom: Why?
Jake: Mom, where are we going?
Mom: Why?
Jake: Mom, don't play stupid!

From the restaurant this morning:
"Dad, just slide the ketchup out like a poop!"

Aug 2, 2006

Crazy Jakob

He opened the moon roof in the car and popped his head up and then proceeded to turn on my hazards (as I chatted with my MIL when she dropped him off at my work); also decided he wanted to wear my slides that afternoon...

Mom's shoes

With my traffic cones Nana bought