Jan 31, 2008

Pieces of January

Finger painting!

Building a tent on the couch

Playing ball with Kaleb

Jan 14, 2008

My Snowflake

Jakob and Daddy went to play in the snow before dinner- they tried to build a snowman, but it was a little difficult as it had rained a bit. The pictures didn't come out that great because it was dark. After they enjoyed hot chocolate with marshmallows!

Jan 10, 2008

My Love Bug

At 5 years old, Jakob is already asking if his friend Kaelyn can come live with us in VT. This conversation went on for 15 minutes and he was so adamant that this was going to happen. I kept trying to change the subject. Here is how some of the conversation went:

"Mom, can we drive her there and can she stay with us?"
" When I turn 21, I am going to get married to her."
"Mom, Kaelyn wants 2 kids!"
"We will live in VT and be a team!"