Jun 11, 2007

Diagnosis: Asthma

Jakob wasn't feeling well over the weekend. We had thought that he had allergies, which was causing a cough for the past few weeks (nothing constant). Saturday night into Sunday he was up every 2 hours coughing, so I gave him cough meds, then allergy meds at the right interval.
As I watched him breath, I could see his breathing patterns were that of a child with RSV, and also took note of his wheezing. Sunday he was pretty good. Monday he woke up coughing again and still had wheezing so I made an appt. for him to see Dr. C.

At the appt, the Dr could see right off in his cough what the problem was. He checked his lungs and sure enough, he has asthma. He had me listen too and commented on how Jake's chest sounded while he was still, imagine how it was while he was running around!

Not sure of the trigger, whether it be allergies (most likely) or an on coming cold, he prescribed antibiotics along with Singulair (chewable) to treat the allergies/asthma. He is to stay on the two for two weeks. On a good note, he may outgrow this....keep our fingers crossed!

Overall, Jake feels good. He hasn't complained. He did tell everyone in class on Tuesday that "I have asthma!".

Suffering from both asthma and allergies, I was hoping that neither of these would be passed down to the kids. Asthma can be scary, especially in a young child; and having a cousin pass away from an attack.

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