Jun 24, 2007

First Week of Summer Vacation

Jakob has had a pretty fun first week of summer vacation!

He visited the library 3 times, taking out books and doing his favorite new thing....borrowing a movie. I have signed him up for the "Super Sleuth: Get a Clue" summer reading program they offer. For every 15 minutes the child reads or is read to, they mark it on their log sheet. For every hour marked the child receives a clue to help find out who kidnapped the library's cat, where they took him, and why.

We also headed there yesterday for the "Sign Language Puzzle Mystery". For about an hour, we learned how to sign different foods, put a puzzle together, and made a craft. It was a small group of about 6 kids (Jake knew 2 from school), and we both had a great time. It would have been nice to go the first session...but look forward to the one they may have in the fall.

Starting this Wednesday, Nana will be bringing him to the "Sense Detective" program.

Grammy has kept him busy with projects and learning activities too! He and Grampy went and bought flowers for their garden and is planting right now.

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